Technique for catching carp with a spring and preparing porridge
A spring is a simple and easy-to-use tackle that can be easily bought in a store or
How to dry salt red fish at home?
Red fish is an incredibly healthy, tasty delicacy, a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Regular use of the product
New list of fish in the river basin Amur
Killer whales (whip killer whale, squeaky killer whale)
There are no rivers in Russia that surpass the Amur in terms of species richness of fish. In 1956 the list
Welcome to a modern, comfortable hotel in Scandinavian style!
Lakes of Karelia: fishing in the wild
More than 73,000 reservoirs with an area of ​​0.1 hectares. This is exactly how many lakes there are, as Wikipedia claims.
This corn porridge, which is a culinary dish, has many variations in its preparation.
Mamalyga for fishing made from cornmeal and grits
Corn has long been one of the favorite delicacies of carp fish. This is probably due to the fact that
DIY cicada spinner photo 2
Cicada is a universal bait for any type of fishing
Cicada (bladebait) - a small flat spoon, loaded in the head, with a fishing line attached in
Pike supply
Do-it-yourself pike rig - how to make it and how to fish with it?
Post fishing is a passive type of fishing. However, she has a lot
Fragrant royal ear
Red ukha with vodka / Russian royal ukha
The most delicious recipe for cooking at home Despite the fact that fish soup is usually cooked
Caught pikes on the grass
Types of artificial baits for fishing
Non-snagging baits Spinnerbait is the best non-snagging bait that benefits from irritating several organs at once
Fly rod
How to catch wary bream on a float rod
Choosing a fishing rod The float rod currently has 4 varieties - fly rod, match rod, Bolognese rod,
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