Secrets of the game Fishing Place VKontakte

Towards the end of July, the peak of ide activity begins, the fish actively feeds, goes to the shallows, and appears in the coastal zone. Fishermen know this and try to free themselves from all urgent matters by this time and go to the pond with a spinning rod to catch ide. Let us note that catch ide not only with a spinning rod, but also with a float rod, and luck often smiles on the floaters, and they can enjoy catching a trophy ide.

Catching ide is difficult; during fishing, many factors should be taken into account, such as weather conditions, on which the activity of this fish primarily depends. You can catch an ide when fishing for roach or bream, but you should understand that this is an accidental catch and it’s not even worth counting on a large fish if you don’t specifically prepare.

Even if there is a lot of ide in a reservoir, this does not mean that it will be successfully caught from the shore with float gear if it is not configured properly. The most successful period for catching ide is the moment when the spawning of roach ends. The ide enters the river in large schools and begins to actively feed. During this period, if you choose the right tackle and bait, there is the greatest likelihood of catching a trophy specimen.

It is during the spring run of ides that the fisherman’s task is to find his sites. In the future, namely in the summer, it will be possible to catch it at certain points in the spring. The main difficulties in catching ide are the choice of baits; it is important to choose exactly those that the fish feeds on in the natural environment at a certain moment, as well as the parking location.

Most often, ides weighing up to three kilograms are caught on a fisherman’s hook, but there are specimens weighing more than 6-7 kg. Such specimens are found mainly in the Dnieper, Volga, Seliger, Ilmen, and also in Lake Valdai. In small rivers, tributaries, and lakes, ides up to two kilograms are rarely found, most often 100-600 grams. This fish grows up to 8 kg, but finding such a giant in a reservoir is very, very difficult and only experienced fishermen can do it.

Fishing place new era what to catch

We look in the “ Encyclopedia

of the Fishing Place
(below the game screen) which fish are caught in the desired location, with what bait.
We select the desired bait
(the cost of bait varies greatly, so at the initial levels their cost is critical).
It is better to choose the cheapest bait “ bread crumb
” (45 silver for 10 pieces), then the bait “
” (90 silver for 10 pieces).

Bait “ dough”

“, having a simple fishing rod, at the beginning of the game
Fishing Place
, it is better not to buy it.

Larger fish are more likely to bite
on the dough bread crumb
”, and the loss of gear is more likely.
the “ dough
” bait with a bamboo fishing rod.
At the initial stage, it does not matter how much “ experience
” is given for the fish caught, what is more important is its

The first game day in the “Fish Place” is usually short for many novice fishermen

(if, before, there was no experience in other fishing simulators).
Breakage of gear
(both hooks and line) takes all the money and there is not enough money to buy lost gear and bait. Yes, both small fish and garbage, for which the money is charged less than the cost of the bait, also lead to financial ruin.

Therefore, you need to constantly improve your gear by buying more powerful ones. For which, all the time, there are not enough funds. “ Fishing rod, rod, spinning rod

” are the defining tackles. We will buy more powerful ones as soon as we have enough money for them.

The maximum weight of the fish that you will fish depends on the level of the fishing rod (not to be confused with the weight of the fish that will bite, but most likely will break the tackle or fall off).

So, with a simple fishing rod (1kg), you can catch a fish weighing a little more than 1.3kg (approximately 30% of the nominal value of the fishing rod). See what kind of catch you can catch with other gear here. Line, hook, reel, spoon

withstand more than 30% of their nominal value.

In general, when buying new gear, I try to stick to this order: fishing rod - the most powerful (available), reel, fishing line

also, well,
the spoon, hook, bait
are selected depending on the purpose of fishing, i.e. the type of fish to be caught. However, we must take into account that if you place a powerful hook on a weak fishing line, you can lose both tackles due to the breaking of the fishing line (you need to watch where your weakest link is).

And one more piece of advice. Do not buy new gear for future use if, after this, you have less money left than you need to buy bait, hook and line

Otherwise, you will have to end the game, although not for good. Fish Place
tomorrow (which, of course, is today, it’s a shame) , we receive a bonus in the form of money.
And the bonus is paid for four days in a row (the amount of money increases), and on the fifth, crackers (loudly called “ unexpected surprise
.” After the “
bamboo fishing rod
”, you can buy a “
light composite fishing rod
” (up to 3 kg), but it costs 4000 silver and you have to it takes a long time to save up for it, stupidly fishing with dough and not buying other baits (they are expensive, but there is no point in using a “bamboo fishing rod”, because the fish caught is the same weight as with bread crumb, which means we will get the same money At the same time, gear breakdowns (due to larger fish) are much more common.

We fish with fishing rods up to level 8, and then you can buy a spinning rod

At first weak by 5 kg, then more and more powerful. But even a weak 5 kg spinning rod costs 22,000 coins, so you need to make some effort to raise money for it. But, money is needed. not only for the spinning rod itself, but also for the “ reel
” (4600 silver),
fishing line
(1000 silver) 2.2 kg (it’s already in the backpack, suitable for a fishing rod, but a stronger one is better), and
a spinner
(the initial one costs 500 silver per 2kg).

Promising places for catching large ide

During the day, it is unlikely that you will be able to meet an ide whose weight exceeds 1.5 kg in the shallows or in the coastal zone; if it comes out to such areas, it will only be at night and provided that they are clean (without snags, underwater and above-water vegetation). Large ides stick to the deepest areas of the reservoir, so when always going to catch this fish you need to pay attention to the deep holes, this is where there is the greatest likelihood of catching a trophy fish.

Important! The ide may leave the depths closer to night or during the day if the weather suddenly worsens, for example, it rains.

For ide sites, they choose not only the deepest areas of the reservoir, but also those with a weak current. Therefore, depths with rapids can be safely avoided; in such an area it is unlikely to encounter a large ide.

Early in the morning and only in calm weather, ide is found on deep-sea riffles, which must be overgrown with underwater vegetation. Here he actively feeds until about 8 o'clock in the morning. During the day, ide stays on channels with strong currents, at a distance of at least 10-15 meters from the shore.

Often ide can be found under dams or various drains. The behavior of the ide has many similarities with the chub, so if you manage to find the latter, then 80% of the time there will be an ide nearby.

When searching for a fishing spot, as well as directly during fishing, it is important to maintain silence on the shore. The ide is a very cautious fish and if you spook it, you can’t count on success. It is recommended to set up several fishing points at a certain distance from one another. After catching a large ide, it is better to move to another place.

The ide does not change its site, provided that the conditions of the reservoir in which it lives do not change. Having identified the places where the ide is located, you can come to them every subsequent time.

You can often hear that ides and chubs can share habitats among themselves. In fact, this is far from the truth, even despite the fact that in many ways the feeding and parking areas are similar. The ide, especially large, sticks to the deepest parts of the reservoir, preferring areas with strong currents. The chub also loves depth, but appears extremely rarely in the rapids.

In the early morning, even before dawn, ides rise to the surface, where they actively feed on insects that have fallen into the water. It is difficult to detect even large ide at the time of feeding. The fish grab the insects without a splash, but only barely noticeable circles and a whirlpool remain on the surface of the water. You can only notice the feeding area of ​​ide in a body of water without a current. It is difficult to notice a large ide - the fish behaves extremely carefully. This is precisely the main difficulty in finding a place; the fisherman has to examine all promising places, and these are holes, sudden changes in depth, areas near dams, and this must be done as quietly as possible. If you can find where the ide comes from to feed, then you can count on success.

Secrets of the game Fishing Place

Each of us has our own hobbies. Many people like fishing . Here you are sitting on a warm autumn evening near a river or lake and fishing, it’s so relaxing. But not everything is as wonderful as it seems. Just imagine: all these midges and mosquitoes that interfere with rest and spoil all the fun.

Game VKontakte Fishing Place

We offer you an excellent solution - this is the “ Fish Place ” simulator. Now VKontakte has released a new part of this game, called “ New Era ”. It will allow you to experience all the delights of fishing while staying at home, in a comfortable and cozy environment. You will be able to prove your professionalism in all endeavors of this difficult matter. This game has a rather interesting and varied plot, a lot of different equipment and gear that will inspire any fisherman.

It seems to me that the game has already interested you. So let's move on to a detailed description of the application itself. Initially, when you enter the game, you will receive a simple fishing rod. With it you can go to any place on the map to go fishing.

After some time, having earned more money, you will be able to improve your fishing rod and buy different gear, which will allow you to make a large catch.

The game interface is very colorful and varied, it seems to take us into reality. Consequently, it is not so easy to catch fish here. So you will have to use all your skills and techniques to win. And your ingenuity will help you increase your catch and rise to the pedestal of the best fisherman.

So, you are already playing, have reached a certain level, but are still not in first place in the ranking? Do you want to quickly rise to first place? Don't want to spend a lot of time on this? Then we will help you by revealing some secrets of the game.

Once you know them, you will definitely become a leader. Let's move on to the secrets themselves...

Secrets of the game Fishing Place

  1. If you want to catch a specific fish, then you need to choose a specific bait and a suitable set of spoons for it. It depends on the species of fish. For example, salmon only bites on fry, beetles, various types of offal, and crustacean meat, while pike bites on frog legs and live bait. Remember: different fish like different bait.
  2. Before you pull the fish out of the water, you need to look at the indicator located at the bottom of the screen. If it is yellow, then you can, even need to, pull out the fish, but if the mark reaches the right or left edges of the indicator, then there is no point in getting the fish out, since it has fallen off.
  3. Also, sometimes you can catch a shoe, which, by the way, can then be sold. You can also catch more valuable things, such as gold rings and chains. But they are usually defective and need to be repaired before they can be sold.
  4. It’s better to sell your catch and use the money received to buy useful equipment

The best natural baits for catching chub

The most effective plant baits for catching chub are:

  1. Sweet dough.
  2. Peas (steamed).
  3. Soy.
  4. Grain (steamed).
  5. Corn (canned and boiled).
  6. Potatoes (necessarily boiled).
  7. Algae (with a filamentous structure).
  8. Gooseberry.
  9. Berries of cherries, mulberries and black currants.
  10. White bread. It is recommended to use only its top feed, since the flesh does not stick well to the hook.

The best baits of animal origin are:

  1. Salo.
  2. Veal liver (raw).
  3. Chicken giblets.
  4. Fish eyes.
  5. Raw fish (meat).
  6. Whitebait: bleak, gudgeon, dace, small crucian carp.
  7. Crawling out. It is a very large worm that is dark pink in color and about thirty centimeters long. Only large chubs bite on this bait. It is recommended to place them on double hooks.
  8. Chafer. It's not at all difficult to catch him. It is found in gardens above fruit trees in May. The cockchafer is an excellent bait for chub, which always actively bites on it. You need to hook such a beetle by its abdomen so that it can move its legs and attract the attention of the fish.
  9. Summer beetle. It is found in wheat fields and resembles the May beetle, only this beetle is a little smaller in size. The summer beetle flies in June.
  10. Caterpillars. They can come in a variety of sizes and colors. It is best to use smooth caterpillars that do not have hairs on their bodies. These include caterpillars that infest cabbage or strawberries. Such bait should be placed on the hook very carefully so that its body is not damaged and it can move on the hook and attract attention to itself.
  11. Grasshopper. It is a very effective bait not only for chub, but also for other types of fish. You can catch grasshoppers in fields or meadows. It is best to use brown grasshoppers with short antennae. Grasshoppers should be planted behind their body. The legs should be removed and the wings spread. Large chubs bite on this bait.
  12. Butterflies. It is best to use moths, since they are larger and have small wings. It is necessary to use such a nozzle in those ponds that are located near forests or a large amount of vegetation. Casting with bait in the shape of a butterfly should be done very carefully so that it is not damaged by a strong blow to the water surface, since a dead butterfly will be less attractive to the chub than a living one.
  13. Leeches. You can use both black and brown leeches. They need to be collected from swampy ponds or shallow areas of reservoirs. It is recommended to attach the leech in the middle of the hook so that it can move in the water and attract the attention of the chub.
  14. Toothless. It is a small mollusk that lives in reservoirs with a sandy bottom. It is not the mollusk itself that should be hooked, but its inner part. To do this, you should pick the clam with a knife and remove the meat component from there. Then it needs to be dried a little and cut into pieces.
  15. Cancer. To catch it, you should use a crayfish trap or catch the river inhabitant with your hands. There is no need to hook the crayfish completely. It is enough just to remove the meat from its tail and use it as a bait. Both medium and large chubs can peck on it.

Fishing place: what to fish for?

The game “Fish Place” has become one of the most popular simulators on the Internet. It represents a fishing process very close to reality. Here it is far from easy for players to catch fish. Casting a fishing rod and sitting by the shore is not enough. The game recreates the habitat conditions of certain fish, various fishing rods, rods, spinning rods, and nets. For a good catch, you need to use special gear and choose the right fertilizer. As a result, the fish catch varies by weight, the quality category of the caught individuals, and not just by quantity, as in many other simulators. For each catch, fishermen receive bonuses that allow them to develop further in the field of fishing, and the game process becomes more and more interesting.

Many players, out of interest or out of necessity, try to catch a certain type of fish; to do this, they visit locations where they are most often found and choose more suitable baits. What are the tips from experienced fishing players to help them catch the fish they need? What to use to catch different types of fish in the game “Fish Place”?

crucian carp

Crucian carp, both common and silver, and golden, live in small quantities in different locations. The common and silver prefer flies as bait, while the golden prefers a worm. However, if you want to catch a larger specimen, then it’s worth forking out for crayfish meat or applesauce supplement.

As you know, pike is a predatory fish. To catch it, you should use leeches, grasshoppers, caddis larvae, fry, and live bait. Well, select the appropriate gear.

Minnow and bitterling

These rare fish should be caught in the “Reserved Bay” location. They bite best on a regular earthworm. However, there are other tricks to catching these fish. Namely, you need to choose the right tackle - it should be as light as possible.

In general, this game has about 80 species of fish and the same number of types of gear and bait. We talked about the most popular ones, the capture of which will allow you to quickly grow from one level to another. The gameplay is also diversified by various quests, specific daily tasks, tournaments between players, and competitive leaderboards. Here you can become a real fishing guru. The game “Fish Place” will not leave any fishing lover indifferent. And it will especially appeal to those who do not have the opportunity to often fish in nature. ladyx

Read about other entertaining computer games in the Computer Games section.

Nutrition and diet of chub.

The chub's natural diet includes insects, crustaceans, midges, flies, small fish and even frogs! They are not picky eaters, and often grab bait even out of pure curiosity. Water temperature affects the nutrition of chub in a much lesser way than other fish species. He can grab the bait both on a hot day and on a cool evening. It all depends on the feeding habits and timing of the chub in a given area of ​​the reservoir.

Catching chub with a worm.

For many generations, worms have been a traditional fish bait. Earthworms are dug out of the soil or collected from damp places, as well as under stones. After the rains, they can be collected directly from the lawn. Keep the worm fresh by adding moist soil or moss to the storage area. Dung worms live in compost heaps and are smaller in size than earthworms. The worm itself is more active, but due to its size, bait several.

Catching chub with larvae.

Maggot, bloodworm, and caddis are the most popular larvae for catching chub. They are natural food for fish. They also have a small size, which will allow them to bite even not very large individuals. Although an adult chub will not refuse small bait, in this regard it is less picky than the same carp.

Other baits for catching chub.

In principle, the chub is omnivorous. You can try fishing with a slug collected right on the shore of a reservoir. Sometimes this is the best bait for catching chub. Cheese cubes and plain bread crumbs. Small fry on a float tackle can also lead to the capture of a chub. Just experiment.

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