Caught pikes on the grass
Types of artificial baits for fishing
Non-snagging baits Spinnerbait is the best non-snagging bait that benefits from irritating several organs at once
Unreal bait
DOWNRIGGER WITH YOUR HANDS » All about fish and fishing
Surely many fishermen know what a downrigger is and have fished with it more than once.
Ide cutlets - step-by-step recipe with photos
The ide is a rather bony river fish that most anglers still catch
Making feeder feeders with your own hands
Feeder fishing is quite popular among anglers; many prefer to put out their rods and, while enjoying the sun,
Vibrating tail on a jig head
Everything you need to know about fishing for pike with a vibrotail. Video
Vibrating tails have long been very popular among spinning anglers, which is also due to their high
The best wobblers Zip Baits - TOP 4 budget models
What does the ideal modern bait look like, making it easier for a fisherman to hunt a predator? This is a wobbler - he
bite activator fishhungry scam
Fish drive - real reviews - bite activator, scam or not, prices for Fish drive
Fish Hunt Fishing is a disease! I haven't been able to and haven't for many years now.
Classification and selection of wobblers for twitching based on fishing conditions
Wobblers for twitching In 2014, I became seriously interested in fishing with wobblers
A striking example of such development is the appearance of English bottom tackle
English donka: from and to. Part one.
Rod Any rod (plug-in, telescopic) that allows you to change tips is suitable as a rod. Replaceable tips
Bombard for fishing
Proper bombard rig and rod selection
Bombarda (another name is sbirulino) was originally invented by the Italians to catch wary trout. But in
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