Carp balyk at home

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Balyk is the back of the fish, its upper part. Fish balyk is fish that has been salted and dried in a special way.

Almost any river or sea fish is used for salting and drying fish, but special requirements are imposed on fish used for balyk. Its taste properties depend on what kind of fish is used to prepare balyk. Real balyk is prepared from valuable species of sturgeon and salmon fish - the so-called. balyk is made from sturgeon and red fish, but we will prepare it from any fish that is suitable in size.

You should know that balyk is made from pork, chicken, turkey, etc. - This is not exactly balyk, but salted-dried or dried meat. The word “balyk” is more correct to refer only to fish, and balyk is precisely the upper part, the back of the fish, and all that is cut off from it is the tesha, the abdominal part of the fish, which is sometimes cooked separately.

Another variety of balyk is bokovnik - it is prepared from halves of fish cut along the ridge.

Calorie content of the product

The energy value of carp balyk varies depending on the fat content of the selected carcass. On average, calorie content is 100 g. the product is 170-200 kcal. It contains no carbohydrates, while vitamins, macro- and microelements are preserved. Most of the product is proteins. It also contains fats that are beneficial for the body.

The product is superior in taste and aroma to store-bought balyk, since the quantity and set of spices can be adjusted independently. Choose the recipe you like, experiment and surprise your loved ones with original dishes!

What kind of fish goes for balyk

Any large fish whose meat has high and medium fat content is considered suitable for preparing balyk. Fatty fish with a small number of small fork bones is prized, but balyk can be made from almost any fish of sufficiently large size.×216.jpg 384w,×205.jpg 364w,×316.jpg 561w,×342.jpg 608w,×426.jpg 758w,×176.jpg 313w,×48.jpg 85w,×96.jpg 171w" data-sizes=»(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px» />

The most popular types of fish from which delicious balyk is made are asp, silver carp, catfish and carp. Balyk made from sturgeon and red fish from the salmon family will be very tasty. The fattest fish will be any fish caught in the autumn and early winter.

List of fish that make delicious balyk, grouped by popularity:

  • Asp, ide, chub, bream;
  • Silver carp;
  • Catfish;
  • Carp, carp, crucian carp;
  • Mackerel, mackerel, tuna;
  • Pike, zander;
  • Chum salmon, pink salmon, trout, omul, whitefish, nelma, salmon;
  • Sturgeon and sturgeon species of fish.

There is a fish on this list that cannot be considered a boneless fish and is not a fatty fish, but this does not mean that it cannot be used to make balyk. There will always be lovers of dietary lean meat, for example, pike or pike perch in the form of balyk.

The asp is at the top of this list not because it makes the most delicious balyk, but because it more often ends up in the hands of the fisherman as a trophy. This is a rather bony fish, and when the question arises of how to cook it, two options come to mind: mince it and fry the cutlets, or make balyk and then deal with the bones - it is much more convenient to do this in dried fish than in cooked in a different way.

The fish from which balyk is prepared can be divided by size into medium, large and very large. Medium-sized fish is used for balyk almost entirely, and large ones undergo preliminary cutting - it is divided into tesha and the balyk itself. Very large fish is cut into pieces.

Cooking balyk

There are a huge variety of ways to prepare balyk, and there is always the possibility of improvisation, but there are also common principles that you should try to follow.

Fish balyk is divided by type of fish, size, salting method, type and degree of drying of fish meat. Cold smoked balyk (drying fish in cooled smoke) turns out to be very tasty, but it cannot be prepared at home.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Large fish are flattened on the side and cut for uniform salting and drying;
  • A not very large fish is flattened along the ridge without ripping open the belly, the head and tail are not removed, only the gills and entrails are removed;
  • Very large fish are filleted, which is cut into pieces from which the balyk is prepared separately from the meat;
  • To speed up the process of preparing balyk, the skin of the fish is removed;
  • If the fish is fished in pieces, their size should be large, but in moderation - small pieces dry out quickly, and too large pieces are poorly salted;
  • The taste of balyk depends not only on the salting method, but also on the degree of drying - the drier the fish meat, the saltier it is;
  • The salt that is used for salting fish should be coarse without foreign impurities;
  • After salting, the fish should be soaked for as many hours as the number of days it was in the brine;
  • To obtain the spicy taste of balyk, at the stage of salting the fish, up to ½ part of sugar (usually 20-30%) and spicy spices (allspice, nutmeg, bay leaf, black peppercorns, coriander, cloves, ginger and others) are added to the salt. .

In general, preparing fish balyk is done as follows:

  1. The fish is scaled and cut;
  2. Prepared fish is salted dry or in brine;
  3. Salted fish undergoes soaking, which removes excess salt;
  4. The fish is hung out for drying or sent for cold smoking.

It should be noted that balyk salted in brine, in cool conditions, can remain in it for several months.

Balyk recipes

Simple recipe

We will use a recipe in which the fish is salted in brine. This is the simplest option that allows you to achieve the right taste of balyk, even if you have never cooked it. This way you can bait almost any fish. So let's get started...

What you will need:

  • Fatty or medium-fat fish of medium or large size;
  • Salt and sugar;
  • Spices and seasonings for fish.

For one kilogram of fish you will need: salt - 150 grams, sugar - 30-50 grams. As spices, you can always use allspice and coarse black pepper, bay leaf, coriander, cloves (with caution).

Main stages:

1. Cutting fish; 2. Salting fish in brine; 3. Drying salted fish.


  • Clean the fish from scales and remove the entrails;
  • Cut off the excess - head, tail, fins;
  • Cut the fish into halves along the spine;
  • Remove the ridge and cut the fish into pieces 1.5-3 cm thick;
  • Sprinkle the pieces of fish with a mixture of sugar and salt, add spices, mix;
  • Cover the salted fish with a lid on which to place a small load;
  • Place the container with fish in the refrigerator for 4-7 days for salting;
  • Remove the fish from the refrigerator, rinse with cold water;
  • Pour clean cold water over the fish and let it free itself from excess salt for 2-5 hours;
  • Drain the water, let the remaining water drain and hang the fish to dry in a cool, dry, ventilated place, protected from the sun and insects.

After just a couple of days, the fish needs to be checked for the degree of dryness. Thin pieces of fish will be ready earlier, while larger pieces will take longer to dry.

When the degree of drying suits you, you can consider that the fish balyk is completely ready. It can be served at the table, or sent to the refrigerator for storage.

We talked in detail about how to properly store cooked fish in an article devoted to how to properly salt and dry fish.

Classic recipe

Classic balyk is made from sturgeon or fish from the salmon family. The fish is cut into balyk and tesha. If this is freshly caught fish, it will have to undergo a long salting stage for one and a half months - this is required by established standards. Thawed fish is salted much faster. See more details in the video:

Silver carp balyk

Silver carp grows to impressive sizes; it can be classified as a very large fish, which requires cutting the carcass into pieces. Silver carp balyk can be made as shown in the video below:

Balyk from carp

Like silver carp, carp grows to impressive sizes, and if you have a very large carp in your hands, you will have to cut it up in a special way.

In general, the technology for preparing balyk from carp is similar to those described above. For a diagram of cutting carp and a recipe for salting, see the following video:

Useful tips

There are several secrets:

  • For cooking, it is better to use large-sized carp of 4-7 kilograms. Large fish has dense meat and a sufficient amount of fat.
  • To add flavor, when rubbing, in addition to salt, you can use spices, spices, and aromatic herbs.
  • In order for the balyk to be stored for a long time, after cooking it should be wrapped in parchment paper and put in the refrigerator.

Making carp balyk at home is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to carefully prepare the carcass and rub it with spices and salt. Also, this matter will require a lot of patience, because it takes at least two weeks to prepare a delicious balyk, although there is an accelerated version in which the fish is cooked for two days. But it’s better to make it in the classic version; it’s with its help that you can make real and flavorful balyk.

The preparation of dried carp will be discussed in the video:

How to dry and cure fish at home and camping

In today’s post I want to tell you how to prepare an excellent beer snack from your own catch. We will talk about preparing dried fish at home or on the go. So, recently my friends and I went fishing and, I must say, the fishing was a success. We then cooked an excellent fish soup by the fire, and salted and dried the rest of the fish. How this was done and what happened - read the recipe for dried fish further in this post.

The following types of river fish are most suitable for drying: perch, pike, pike perch, roach, silver bream, bream, sabrefish, chub, asp.

Some people salt and then dry (dry) crucian carp. But I am not a supporter of this method of preparing these particular types of fish. They are too fat and dry out excessively, losing a lot of mass. I have never heard of silver carp, grass carp, tench or catfish being dried.

Fish for drying must be gutted, intestines removed and washed thoroughly. If possible, remove the gills. If the fish is small or spiny, like perch, then the gills are left. The scales are not touched. The fish is coated with coarse salt on the outside and inside. Don't skimp on the salt. All the same, fish meat will not take more salt than a certain limit for this mass. But salt is a guarantee that the fish will not be lost, but will be cooked correctly.

If the fish is large, cut it into relatively thin pieces. The middle fish is cut along the back along the ridge to rub these thick parts of the carcass with salt.

When the fish is rubbed with salt, it is placed in a kettle, bucket, pan, or, in extreme cases, in a bag. The fish is actively mixed and pressed. The task is to obtain a certain amount of its own juice, which the fish releases when salted and pressed. If you can’t get juice, you can drop a little water, but it is advisable to get your own juice.

So, fish that have released juice are left at the bottom of the dish, pressed down with a weight on top. It is necessary to place the fish in a shady and cool place and provide protection from flies; cover the container with something.

The fish needs to stand for 1-1.5 days. Then, it is strung on a thread, fishing line, wire and hung in the shade, in the wind. I dried and dried fish on my balcony. The same can be done in camping conditions, somewhere under the canopy of a tree.

It is important to protect drying fish from flies. To do this, use a gauze canopy or old small tulle. You can additionally sprinkle vinegar on top of the protection - this will repel insects and flies.

Small fish, in dry weather, dry for 2-3 days, larger ones for 5-7 days. That's it, the dried fish is ready. All that remains is to go get a beer and invite the friends with whom this wonderful catch was made. ?

Carp balyk at home Prepared by: Dasha Zagalskaya 05/05/2017 Cooking time: 3 days. 4 hours 0 minutes My husband is an avid fisherman, the fish no longer fits in the refrigerator. I have already prepared fish in all forms: soups, fried, baked, etc. And now I found a new great recipe for making carp balyk. Description of preparation: There are many recipes for preparing balyk from various types of meat, and I want to tell you how you can prepare balyk from carp at home. In general, you can use absolutely any fish: pike perch, trout, sturgeon, catfish, etc. The main thing is to clean the fish very well from the insides so that it does not start to rot. When preparing balyk, you can use any other seasonings to your taste; I really liked paprika in combination with carp. When you put fish in the refrigerator to dry, you can also put it in a regular plastic bag, but experts advise drying the fish in cotton or linen fabric. If you do not eat it right away, it should also be stored in cotton cloth on the bottom shelf. The balyk turns out to be very aromatic and tender, cut it into thin pieces, place it on a dish, and carefully garnish with dill sprigs. Purpose: For lunch / For dinner / For a holiday table Main ingredient: Fish and seafood / Carp Dish: Appetizers / Balyk Geography of cuisine: Russian cuisine Ingredients: Carp - 2 pieces Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons Paprika seasoning - 4 tbsp. spoons Number of servings: 2 How to prepare “Carp Balyk at home” 1. The fish must be washed and gutted, all the insides removed, and thoroughly cleaned of scales. Cut lengthwise (from ready to tail, as in the photo). 2. Sprinkle the carp with paprika and salt, very carefully rub the seasonings into the fish so that it is well saturated with them. 3. Next, wrap the fish tightly in a cotton napkin. The main thing is that it is clean. Place in a large container. Let the fish dry in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Place it in the coldest place in the refrigerator, usually the lowest shelf. 4. Remove the carp balyk from the refrigerator, rinse it well under running water, dry it with a napkin, cut the carp balyk into thin portions and serve. Carp balyk at home is ready! Do not forget! If you liked it, share it with your friends by liking it (class).

Silver carp balyk

We carefully remove the caught fish without damaging the inside of the gallbladder. We do not remove scales and thorns. Separate the heads and wash. Then cut off the tail and belly. The abdomen must be cut along an arc so that the thickness of the cut along the entire length is approximately the same. Then we cut the fish into fairly thick pieces, approximately the same thickness, at least two centimeters. If the pieces are thin, then they will dry out, and very thick ones will begin to sour in the middle.

Take a container large enough for the fish to fit in 2-3 layers, but not aluminum!!! Stainless steel, ceramic or enamel pan. Mix salt and sugar, observing the indicated proportions (10 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar per 1 kg of fish, add spices to taste), pour this mixture into an even layer on the bottom. Place pieces of fish tightly next to each other on top, immediately sprinkling them with salt. Place the tail fins and bellies skin side down. Now we tightly cover the top with a wooden circle and put pressure on it. Leave for six days in the refrigerator.

The fish releases juice and brine is formed - this is a strong solution of salt and juice. Taking it out of the refrigerator, rinse the fish under running water and wash off excess salt. Then hang it on a strong cord, in a draft, wrap the fish in gauze, after soaking the gauze in vinegar. After 2-3 days, balyk can be consumed.

The readiness of the balyk can be checked if it is elastic, and when pressing on it, no moisture is released, but only fat remains on the fingers.

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