Ear from the head and tail of salmon at home


2020-01-032020-01-04 Khrumka

Hello, dear friends and guests! How do you feel about noble varieties of fish, in particular salmon? Our family loves it very much, but we prepare this valuable and expensive product mainly for the holidays. The fillet is used for baking or tender cutlets for the main course, and the remaining parts are used for first courses. Salmon soup is a real find, because it turns out rich, satisfying, but very tender.

Most often I cook it after the New Year, when there are a lot of fish leftovers in the refrigerator. The broth can be cooked from anything - from a steak, head, tail, ridge, belly or a ready-made soup set. It doesn’t matter at all what part you take for cooking, in any case the soup will turn out very tasty

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