How to cook river fish: secrets of cooking river fish, recipes

For example, what dish should you prepare from freshly caught pike? You can make fish cutlets out of it, or you can bake it in a “stocking” . To do this, first carefully remove the scales from the fish, being careful not to damage the skin. The pike's head can be cut off or left - this is at the discretion of the owner. First try to lightly beat the fish - this will make it easier to remove the “stocking”. Make an incision in the skin in the abdomen area and very carefully, using a knife to help yourself, remove it, turning it inside out like a stocking. This is perhaps the most difficult moment; it will get easier later.

Remove the backbone and rib bones from the carcass and cut it into pieces. Then fry the carrots and onions in butter. Add them to the fish and pass everything through a meat grinder. For a brighter taste, you can add pieces of salmon to the minced river fish. Stuff the stocking with the resulting mixture and sew it up with regular thread. It is better to take white ones - they are more noticeable. Place the pike in the oven, and after 20 minutes, at a temperature of 150-165 degrees, the fish will be ready.

There are different ways to prepare fish. Among them there is a very simple recipe for cooking pike. Rub the unpeeled fish with a mixture of salt and pepper, insert a slice of lemon into the gills, place it on a baking sheet and bake. The aroma will tell you when it is ready.

What can you cook from other river fish?

Bream in foil

What you need: 4 bream, 3 tomatoes, 2 carrots, 2 medium-sized onions, butter, salt.

Clean the bream from scales and gut it. Lightly fry the grated carrots and finely chopped onions in butter. Cut the tomatoes into rings. Then place a thin layer of carrots and onions on the prepared foil, then the fish, again some carrots and onions on top, add a couple of tomato rings. Wrap tightly in foil and bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. (In principle, this method is suitable for any river fish, but it is better to fry sea fish first.)

Fresh river fish on the grill


  • 4 river fish
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 bundle dill
  • 1 onion
  • 300 g mayonnaise
  • salt to taste
  • mixture of peppers to taste


  1. Clean the fish inside and out, rinse well and rub with spices. Make several cuts in the ridge area and place lemon slices in them.
  2. Lubricate the fish itself completely with mayonnaise, and place onion rings with dill in the belly. Bake the fish on hot coals on both sides.

Catfish in sauce

What you will need: 4 catfish fillets, 50 g tomato paste, 50 g flour, 1 onion, 150 g sour cream, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs.

Cut the fish, cut the fillet into small pieces. To fight off the unpleasant odor, pour lemon juice over them and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then add salt, pepper and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Lightly fry the onion in a well-heated frying pan, add flour, stir thoroughly and brown some more. After this, add tomato paste and sour cream to the pan. If necessary, you can add a little fish broth or water. Place the fried pieces of catfish in the same frying pan, add spices to taste and herbs. Simmer for 5 minutes and serve.

The best fish recipes with photos

  • fish cutlets
  • simple and fast
  • baked
  • on the festive table
  • in the oven
  • tasty and healthy
  • stewed
  • river
  • casserole
  • with vegetables
  • cod
  • fillet
  • red
  • Breaded
  • in a slow cooker
  • salad recipes


145 recipes

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Pollock with carrots and onions

Ingredients: pollock, carrots, onions, sour cream, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

2.04 60 m 80

Fish in a fur coat

Ingredients: tilapia, chicken egg, sour cream, premium wheat flour, potatoes, sea salt, vegetable oil

2.1 40 m 115

Fish in Greek

Ingredients: cod, onions, carrots, feta cheese, garlic, red sweet pepper, chili pepper, ground chili pepper, ground paprika, smoked paprika, mixture of peppers, tomatoes, olive oil, salt, sugar, ...

3.12 75 m 104

Fish pie casserole

Ingredients: white fish fillet, milk, potatoes, butter, premium wheat flour, green peas, chicken egg, lemon juice, hard cheese, parsley (greens), salt, ground black pepper

2 90 m 138

Fish in sour cream sauce

Ingredients: tilapia, sour cream, onions, premium wheat flour, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

1.84 40 m 126

Pink salmon in the oven

Ingredients: pink salmon, carrots, onions, sour cream, milk, salt, ground black pepper, ground paprika, olive oil

2.34 60 m 135

Fish in the oven

Ingredients: tilapia, tomatoes, hard cheese, salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise, lemon juice

4.56 40 m 185

Fish in Polish

Ingredients: white fish fillet, chicken egg, butter, onion, carrots, bay leaf, salt, ground black pepper

0.56 25 m 153

Fish in Jewish style

Ingredients: fish, green sweet pepper, tomatoes, green onions, parsley (greens), salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

1.32 40 m 23

Mackerel in foil

Ingredients: mackerel, yogurt, orange, ground black pepper, garlic, sea salt, watercress

1.29 35 m 138

Fish in puff pastry

Ingredients: char, yeast-free puff pastry, salt, ground black pepper, ground paprika

3.54 60 m 226

Fish baked with vegetables

Ingredients: carrots, red sweet pepper, white fish fillet, soy sauce, green onion, ground black pepper

1.24 25 m 94

Salmon in cream sauce

Ingredients: salmon, frozen green peas, onions, cream 20%, fish broth, olive oil, butter, salt, ground black pepper

5 20 m 186

Pollock in mustard sauce

Ingredients: pollock, carrots, onions, sour cream, cream, French mustard beans, vegetable oil, salt, pepper mixture

0.56 70 m 127

Fish in batter

Ingredients: sea bass, lemon, 1st grade wheat flour, chicken egg, salt, ground black pepper, onion

3.52 120 m 127

Salmon shish kebab

Ingredients: salmon, potatoes, arugula, basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, fresh lemon juice, thyme, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

5.92 15 m 210

Fish casserole

Ingredients: potatoes, butter, milk, white fish fillet, salt, ground black pepper, premium wheat flour, hard cheese, parsley (greens), sunflower oil

2.34 60 m 154

Dorado with vegetables

Ingredients: dorado, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, olive oil, lemon, salt, basil, parsley (greens)

4.28 30 m 124


Ingredients: smelt, premium wheat flour, ground black pepper, salt, dill, capers, gherkins, garlic, mayonnaise, regular mustard, lemon, olive oil, parsley (greens)

2.12 30 m 124

Fish in pita bread

Ingredients: pink salmon, onion, sweet green pepper, parsley (greens), lemon, Armenian lavash, salt, ground black pepper

2.22 60 m 150

Pink salmon in a frying pan

Ingredients: pink salmon, onion, rye flour, sesame seeds, ground black pepper, tomato paste, olives, olive oil, butter, lemon, herbs, salt

3 30 m 245

Stewed pollock

Ingredients: pollock, carrots, onions, tomato juice, wine vinegar, peppercorns, ground paprika, sugar, salt, premium wheat flour, bay leaf, grape seed oil, lemon zest, ...

2.16 30 m 90

Mackerel baked with vegetables

Ingredients: mackerel, onion, carrots, tomato paste, water, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

0.66 30 m 162

Salmon goulash

Ingredients: salmon, carrots, onions, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

5.16 30 m 176

Fish cutlets

Ingredients: fish, chicken egg, onion, wheat bread, premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, milk, butter, salt, ground black pepper

0.42 30 m 152

Fish cutlets in the oven

Ingredients: tilapia, wheat bread, onions, butter, chicken egg, salt, ground black pepper

2.4 60 m 128

Stuffed carp

Ingredients: carp, carrots, onions, lemon, garlic, parsley (greens), sour cream, salt, ground black pepper

1.38 80 m 88

Mackerel in tomato

Ingredients: mackerel, tomatoes, onions, tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

0.99 40 m 153

Sea bass in Moroccan style

Ingredients: sea bass, garlic, dill, onion, basil, olive oil, salt, pepper mixture

7.68 50 m 127

Pollock in the oven

Ingredients: pollock, carrots, onions, red sweet peppers, olive oil, butter, garlic, breadcrumbs, ground paprika, ground black pepper, chili pepper, bay leaf, lemon, ...

2.3 80 m 89

Tilapia in the oven

Ingredients: tilapia, tomatoes, onions, hard cheese, sour cream, salt, pepper mixture, herbs

1.88 40 m 117

Fish on salt

Ingredients: char, lemon, salt, olive oil, ground black pepper, herbs

7.02 60 m 65

Salmon in the oven

Ingredients: salmon, shrimp, cream 33%, green onion, olive oil, garlic, salt, ground black pepper

20.08 50 m 221

Sea bass in the oven

Ingredients: sea bass, lemon, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

3.51 35 m 140

Mackerel in soy marinade

Ingredients: mackerel, soy sauce, lime juice, pepper mixture

1.62 40 m 165

Fish casserole with potatoes

Ingredients: white fish fillet, potatoes, broccoli, sour cream, chicken egg, regular mustard, lemon juice, salt, ground black pepper

1.68 30 m 83

Fried fish in dough

Ingredients: fish, chicken egg, cream, premium wheat flour, salt, ground black pepper

0.36 30 m 77

Cod in the oven

Ingredients: cod, sun-dried tomatoes, frozen green peas, Parmesan cheese, fresh mint, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

2.76 20 m 111

Asian style salmon

Ingredients: salmon, soy sauce, honey, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper mixture

4.26 40 m 153

Fish crumble

Ingredients: milk, white fish fillet, butter, onion, leek, sour cream, premium wheat flour, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, salt, ...

2.2 60 m 173

Mackerel with spicy sauce

Ingredients: mackerel, onion, chili pepper, Provençal herbs, lemon juice, tomato paste, vegetable oil, cinnamon, ground red pepper, ground black pepper, sea salt

0.9 50 m 139

Hake in batter

Ingredients: hake, chicken egg, water, premium wheat flour, flax seeds, sesame seeds, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

1.04 30 m 236

  • More

The most delicious and healthy fish recipes (photos with step-by-step preparation are attached) both for those who like to eat heartily and for those who tell everyone that they strive to maintain a slim and athletic figure are with us!

It is known that fish consists of about 20% of the most valuable protein, which, in turn, stores, as scientists assure, all the essential amino acids. A number of nutritionists put this product in honorable, so to speak, second place in terms of so-called nutritional value (guess what?) - after mother’s milk.

For some nationalities this is the main dish, while others eat fish no more than once a month. Although doctors say that for the stable uninterrupted functioning of the brain and the health of muscles and bones, tasting fish less than once a week is fraught with undesirable consequences. You will find out how extravagant fish dishes can be. The recipes here are very diverse - from stuffed options to unusual ones like “sugudaya” and “surströmming”.

Fried carp

carp recipe

fried carp

  • 1 carp
  • salt pepper
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs
  • vegetable oil
  • half a lemon
  • dill and parsley
  • sour cream

carp recipe

  • Salt the cleaned and washed fish for some time and dry with a napkin.
  • Cut into portions.
  • Dip the prepared pieces into the egg, then roll in ground breadcrumbs.
  • Fry the fish in plenty of oil until beautifully golden brown.
  • Place the finished fish on a large dish, sprinkle with fragrant herbs, and garnish with lemon slices.
  • Serve the dish with sour cream.

Fish dishes

New Year's carp

cooking carp

carp dish

  • 600 g carp
  • 1 tbsp. 33% cream
  • 4 onions
  • 4 tbsp. l. chopped greens
  • 1 tbsp. champagne
  • ground pepper
  • salt

cooking carp

  • Salt and pepper the prepared carp carcass and place in a greased form. Place chopped greens inside the belly, after mixing with salt.
  • Finely chop the onion and sauté in oil. Place half the onion on the fish.
  • Very carefully pour champagne into the fish dish and bake in the oven at 220–250 degrees for 25 minutes.
  • Pour the cream into the remaining onion and put on fire. Boil for about 3 minutes.
  • When serving, pour onion sauce over the fish dish.

Fish dishes

How to get rid of a specific smell and taste

A concentrated solution of salt water will help eliminate the smell of mud from rudd, lake roach and crucian carp, and cold water with vinegar . Just leave the fish to soak in it for 2-3 hours before cooking.

Get rid of the peculiar taste of fish by adding a little cucumber pickle when cooking fish. To save the taste of tench and carp, use sweet pepper or a pinch of dill during cooking. Sprinkle river fish 15–20 minutes before cooking with lemon juice or table vinegar, and there will be no trace of the aftertaste.


Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Peel and gut the crucian carp, rinse thoroughly in cold water and dry with paper towels. Coat the crucian carp on all sides with melted butter, salt and pepper. Cut the onion into thin rings. Finely chop the dill.

Place the prepared fish and onions in a patch, cast iron or stewpan. Place, uncovered, in the preheated oven and bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes.

Mix sour cream with milk or cream, add salt. Pour this mixture over the crucian carp and return to the oven. Cook until the gravy thickens, about 20 minutes.

Serve crucian carp sprinkled with chopped dill.


Clean the silver carp, remove the entrails, and cut into large pieces. Squeeze lemon juice into the water and soak the fish for about 1 hour. Drain the water and dry the fish a little. Sprinkle with pepper, fish spices and pour in soy sauce for 2-3 hours (turn the fish periodically).

Fry coarsely chopped onion and grated carrots in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Place eggplant mugs on a baking sheet, onions and carrots on top. Add salt.

Next, lay out the marinated pieces of silver carp. Stuff each one with chopped garlic.

Grease generously with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise.

Place in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Bake the fish for 30 minutes. Next, take it out and sprinkle with grated cheese. Return to the oven for 10 minutes.

During baking in the oven, the carp becomes soft, and thanks to the sour cream, it becomes very tender. Vegetable filling makes the dish juicy and flavorful. The top of the carp is sprinkled with unsweetened cracker crumbs, resulting in a tasty crust.

Dried sabrefish at home


  • sabrefish – 1-1.5 kg;
  • salt – 0.3 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the casing and let it dry. Remove the gills.
  • Mix salt and sugar, pour some of this mixture onto the bottom of a plastic container so that it forms about a centimeter layer.
  • Place the fish on the bottom of the container, sprinkling each layer with the sugar-salt mixture.
  • Cover the fish with a lid slightly smaller than the container. Place a brick wrapped in cloth on top or place a jar filled with water.
  • Place the container with fish in a cool place. Salt it for 4-10 days depending on its weight (about 2 days per 100 g of fish). The readiness of the fish can be determined by the density of the back - it should become firm and elastic.
  • Remove the fish from the container, shake off the salt, place in a container with clean water for 10 hours. During this time, it is advisable to change the water 2-3 times.
  • After soaking, hang the fish on a fishing line or twine, wrap it in gauze to protect it from insects and leave in a cool, well-ventilated place for 7-14 days.

You can store dried saberfish for up to 6 months in a cool, dry place. Prepared in this way, it is considered an excellent snack for beer.

How to properly fry bony fish

It seems to be no secret to anyone that many housewives, after removing the scales and entrails of a bony fish, still make notches on both sides along the fork bones to the very spinal part. Although this method is familiar to many, not everyone trusts it. Like, after frying there are still a lot of small bones. This result occurs if the flesh near the ridge is not cut deep enough in a hurry. And the gaps between the cuts are too large.

To make the correct cuts, you need to have a sharp knife with a thin blade. It is best to position the fish on the cutting board so that the knife moves from the belly to the spine. That is, put the fish with its back to itself. The distance between cuts should be 5–7 mm. Once you get the hang of it, you can make it even smaller, or cut the entire surface of the fish into squares. After this treatment, it needs to be rubbed with salt, dipped in flour and sent into hot oil.

However, there is one more subtlety - there should be enough vegetable oil so that it reaches the peak of the ridge. Otherwise, the small bones will really be felt. To make river fish tasty and juicy, you need to fry it at high temperatures. Then the crust will be fried, but the flesh inside will remain tender. It will take longer to fry over low heat, and the fish may turn out a little dry.

Under bread and buckwheat

Most often, fish is eaten with a side dish of potatoes, pasta or rice. Not many people know, but it also goes well with buckwheat. Fish prepared according to this recipe will not leave anyone indifferent. It is easy to prepare and the cooking process does not take much time.

Required list of products:

A couple of bags of buckwheat groats;

  • 2 kilograms of fish;
  • Onion head;
  • A pair of chicken eggs;
  • A couple of slices of Borodino bread;
  • 70 grams of cheese;
  • Half a glass of cream;
  • To taste salt, ground black pepper and thyme.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and immerse the buckwheat bags in it.
  2. Boil the fish until cooked and carefully, using a fork, separate the bones from the meat. Place in a greased pan and season with salt, pepper and thyme.
  3. Peel the onion, fry until transparent and place on the fish.
  4. Then add a layer of Borodino bread, grated through a grater.
  5. The next layer is prepared buckwheat.
  6. Mix cream with eggs, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting mass evenly over the surface of the buckwheat.
  7. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 180˚C.

For 100 grams of this dish there is:

  • 15.8 g protein;
  • 3.8 g fat;
  • 2.2 g carbohydrates.

Energy value – 105.9 Kcal.

In Latvian

The basis for preparing river fish in Latvian style is carp, which is a type of wild carp. You can take either freshly caught fish or fresh frozen fish.

Product set:

  • A pair of carp carcasses with a total weight of 1 kg;
  • Lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar;
  • 50 g fresh dill;
  • Pair of st. spoons of sunflower oil;
  • A couple of teaspoons of finely ground salt;
  • Ground black pepper.

Step by step description:

  1. Remove scales from the fish, remove the giblets, decapitate, cut off the tail and fins.
  2. Then wash the carp and dry it, dipping it with napkins.
  3. Sprinkle the carcasses with a mixture of salt and pepper, pour over vinegar and lemon juice.
  4. Chop the washed dill and stuff it into the fish.
  5. Cover the frying sheet with foil, grease with oil and place the fish carcasses on it. Tighten the foil so that there are no holes left. Place the pan in the oven for 30 minutes, heating it to 200°C.

Serve carp in Latvian style, opening the foil. This fish goes well with any sour cream-based sauce. Stewed vegetables are perfect as a side dish.

100 grams of the finished dish contains:

  • 14.8 g protein;
  • 4.2 g fat;
  • 0.5 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content is 98.6 Kcal.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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