The most convenient box for winter fishing. How to make it yourself?
A fisherman is recognized from afar by his charabanc. The meaning of a fishing box, or as it is also called
stuffed pike step by step photo recipe
Jewish stuffed fish on your table |Le poisson farci à la juive chez vous
Fish is a very healthy and tasty product. She has beauty that is unique to her
How to determine the thickness of ice in different ways
The edge of the ravine attracts the ice fisherman, although the danger is that ice near open water
KOSADAKA Lighting – folk spinning rod for an aristocrat
Kosadak spinning rods Kosadak spinning rods come in plug and telescopic types. Both of these types are used
Tench on the net
Do-it-yourself bait for tench - recipes
Tench: description and behavioral characteristics Tench is a representative of the carp family. A feature of this type
Smart feeding tactics in cold water
How to make your own bait for cold water (autumn, winter). Natural baits in groundbait. What
Red fish fillet
How to quickly and deliciously salt pink salmon at home
Pink salmon is a fish belonging to the salmon family. Its meat is red. Valued for being pleasant
How to position your muzzle correctly for catching fish
There is an opinion that fish traps appeared much earlier than gear. Most likely they were used
Are homemade lures for perch good for winter fishing? How to make them?
Making winter spinners for perch using your own drawings
When should you choose store-bought ones and when should you choose homemade ones? It's no secret that winter vertical spinners from
Veretyevo paid fishing official website
Fishing farm "Vozrozhdenie"
Overview of paid fishing in the Vozrozhdeniye Cultural Fishery Farm “Vozrozhdenie”, it is fully adapted for
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