Steering console for a PVC boat Most PVC boat owners think about how to make
At first glance, carp, especially young ones, have a fairly strong resemblance to crucian carp, but immediately
June 19, 2019 Cooking Ivan Gresko Judging by the reviews, crucian carp is the most popular
Sea bass: what kind of fish, description, where it is found Sea bass fish belongs to the Moronov family, has
The lion's share of the assortment of goods in every store specialized in fishing is occupied by fishing lures
All spinning rods are divided into two main types - plug-in and telescopic models. First option
Types of trout fish There are three types of trout: Brook; Ozernaya; Rainbow. Brook trout can grow
Classic recipe Traditionally, bream with bones is used to prepare cutlets. Only a large ridge is removed,
A hole in the river is a very catchy place - proven by practice. It is in it that the toothy
Having chosen a spinning rod and selected a reel for it, the angler is faced with another question -