Types of floats: classification, selection features and step-by-step instructions for using various types of floats (75 photos)
Every fisherman wants to have the best tackle and equipment in his arsenal. This also applies
What fish to catch in spring? Tackle, bait, fishing spots. A short excursion into spring fishing
Is it possible to fish in spring? Spring fishing begins after the wilderness. From March to April
Installation of underwater float
Float for catching catfish with your own hands || Catching catfish with a float
Catfish is always a desirable trophy for a fisherman. After all, large specimens can reach 30 and
Fishing on Lake Ilmen: winter, summer, video
Fish biting forecast in Lake Ilmen
The picturesque Lake Ilmen is located south of the ancient Russian city of Veliky Novgorod, the water area is about 730
crucian carp
Corn for feeding and fishing with corn
Will crucian carp bite on corn? Experienced fishermen believe that catching clumsy crucian carp is not difficult. Some
Hoki fish in batter: photo recipe from a reader
Method of preparation: Mix everything for the marinade, except olive oil. Place in a bag. Salt the fillet, put in
Fauna, fish resources of the Saratov region
Fishing in the Saratov region always pleasantly pleases with its diversity and features of reservoirs, where
How to catch grayling using a bombard with a fly?
Not every angler with extensive experience can boast to his friends about his catch of real grayling. This
How to tie a wobbler to braid and fishing line with various knots
Catching a predator with a spinning rod gives the angler true pleasure from the fishing process, filled with excitement and fascination
November fishing for pike perch with jig and trolling
Most anglers believe that it is better to catch pike perch using a jig. But in reality the most effective
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