Due to the many fishing vessels, cruise ships, dense surroundings by different countries, low salinity and relatively
Since ancient times, people have been forced to fish to feed themselves and their families.
To prepare salmon fish soup, you can use all parts of the fish, starting from the head, and
Kalkan is one of the largest fish in the Black Sea. Some individuals may have a length
Advantages of salapin porridge The key property of salapinka is that, in addition to finely dispersed components, one
The farm "Ichthyologist" invites everyone to paid fishing. It is located 80 km
If you want to please your family, go for pike. Dishes prepared from white fillet are called royal.
Description of salmon fish The body of salmon is elongated, compressed on the sides, the scales are silvery. Distinctive feature
Interest clubs have always existed. They unite people connected by the same goals and ideas. If
What is the lunar calendar for fishing and biting? It happens that the time spent fishing is not