Fish soup with shrimp
Pollock soup is a dish with excellent taste! We prepare the right fish soup from pollock with vegetables, eggs, cereals, cheese, milk
Cooking features As thousands of recipes on the Internet show, fish soup is not only cooked over a fire.
Khanty-Mansiysk District
Northern Sosva - a place for fisherman
deutschenglishespañolfrançaisहिन्दी Bite forecast > Russia > Sverdlovsk region > Sosva urban district > Sosva
Fishing with popla popper
Popla-popper: float and popper in one bottle
Popla-popper is both a category of unique bait and a special ultralight equipment. Competent combination already
How to properly clean bream from scales
How to instantly clean scales from a perch without dust and dirt: 5 quick ways Everyone
Smoking carp: calorie content and recipes in the smokehouse, oven
Carp is a popular freshwater fish that belongs to the cyprinid species. She's being fried on
Optimal pressure for carp fishing. Best weather and carp fishing times
Despite the fact that in the fishing world there are conventional divisions into feeders or
Spinning rod for long-distance casting from the shore: how to choose
There are many factors that influence the choice of gear in specific conditions. Choose which spinning rods are better
Pike in a pond
Catching pike perch from the shore with an elastic band
When going to a pond with live bait, especially during the period of active hunting of predators, every fisherman
Catch fish big and small: top rating of the best feeder rods
Which company's feeder rod is better to choose? On the shelves of any specialized store there are more than 20
Donka for carp. Advantages. Equipment. Secrets
What weather should you catch carp in? Weather does not greatly affect the activity of carp when
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